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March 19, 2024


2 min read

A Comprehensive Go-to-Market Strategy can Also be Fast

Kelly Demel
A Comprehensive Go-to-Market Strategy can Also be Fast

When it comes to how to best take products to market, companies may feel like they have to choose between speed and strategy. But solid, comprehensive go-to-market strategies can also be fast – when you approach them the right way.

BlueByrd recently worked with a professional services company that grappled with stagnant growth amid a landscape marked by multiple leadership transitions and a fragmented strategy — striving to cater to all, yet struggling to articulate their overarching differentiation and value proposition.

We partnered with the organization to get their go-to-market strategy off the ground quickly but successfully with BlueByrd’s FlightProgram.

Good Strategy Begins With Good Discovery

Our initial engagement with the company was divided into three stages: voice of customer research, digging into the product/sales mix, and conducting a Go to Market Workshop. 

Our mission? To really get inside the heads of everyone involved – from insiders to outside consultants. We wanted to know what was working, what wasn't, and where the golden opportunities were. Only then could we understand the best strategic direction for this decades-old company to best reposition itself and relentlessly drive revenue.

Voice of Customer Research

Turns out, every stakeholder had a very positive view of the core products and their impact on team dynamics. However, opinions varied on how the company should differentiate itself. As objective observers examining stakeholder feedback, BlueByrd was able to pinpoint a new, specific product category in which only this organization could play. Golden opportunity discovered.

Go-to-Market Workshop

As part of our FlightProgram, we conducted a two-day workshop with executives and functional leaders to define key strategies for success, including:

  • Defining buyer personas and roles for the sales process
  • Determining differentiation from competitors
  • Discussing current pricing strategy and channels to market
  • Examining the buyer’s journey in order to build effective messaging
  • Exploring potential obstacles to success 

Review of Product Mix to Revenue

A core element of mature marketing strategies is a review of the product portfolio. With exceptions for certain circumstances, such as blocking a competitor or being inextricably linked to high-revenue products, the focus of marketing and operations should be on products and services that best meet the needs of the target audience while generating the most profit.

An exhaustive review of revenue generated over the last several years revealed that the vast majority of the organization’s  revenue came from a small percentage of products. Significant internal resources were being used to develop, refine, and promote products that were not producing sustainable revenue.

Marketing Strategy Playbook

Upon completion of the above deliverables, BlueByrd presented comprehensive recommendations to leadership for becoming a marketing-led organization. BlueByrd’s FlightProgram was instrumental in aligning vision, identifying opportunities, and fortifying the company’s differentiation in the market. 

In just two months, we traversed from inquiry to implementation, fueled by a relentless dedication to our client’s success. Through a VoC study, analytics research, our Go-To-Market Workshop, and the marketing strategy playbook, we not only revitalized the organization’s trajectory, but also reaffirmed our ethos: to hustle for our clients and propel them toward unparalleled success.

If you’re interested in learning more about our FlightProgram or how we can work with your team to relentlessly drive revenue growth, head over to our website here

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