Dysfunctional CRM and Automation

Marketing and sales success starts in your CRM.

Your CRM automation lays the foundation for your marketing & sales efforts. If it’s out of wack, the rest of your sales process will be, too.

Get in Touch.

Build a foundation for marketing and sales success.

You're already behind the curve if you’re not utilizing technology in your marketing and sales processes. It’s hard to be effective in your sales process without a robust CRM, quality data, and other forms of martech integrated into your CRM to ensure a consistent data flow. 

In addition, automation can help your sales and marketing teams be more efficient—something vital for the hustle and bustle of the working world. However, too much automation isn’t always a good thing. The trick is to find a balance.

Marketing and sales tech audit

Let’s see how your tech stacks up

Step one is to uncover how you need to communicate with your customers, what systems you currently have, and what needs to be implemented to be more effective.

Then, we’ll build a robust, integrated tech stack to provide tools to give your customers the best buyer experience, aid the marketing team in reaching customers and measuring success, and arm your sales team to close deals more efficiently.

Marketing Automation Agency

Partner with the best CRM automation platform in the game

We are HubSpot agency partners, which means we know the platform like the back of our hands.

Offering several hubs, including one for sales teams and one for marketing teams, the platform offers CRM, website, email, automation, and more functionalities to save your team time and make your marketing and sales efforts more effective.

CRM Functionality

Your CRM and automation dictate your operational workflows

There are many reasons why your CRM might not be working properly. Maybe the set up wasn’t done correctly, your sales processes aren’t aligned with your systems, poor training, or poor integration with other systems and processes.

Either way, you need an effective CRM to have effective operations. That’s why you have to understand what you’re trying to accomplish and the root of the problems, train your team on how to use it, and develop a process so it continues to work properly. 

If your technology isn’t working right, you’re wasting time and falling behind

CRM and automation technology and platforms are supposed to save your team time and make work more organized, but it can also be a crutch if not used correctly.

Let's Get Started.

CRM Database

Treat your CRM as a history book for your sales team

People forget. They also change companies, retire, or get let go. When they do, any information they have in their heads goes with them. 

Your CRM should act as a source of truth, containing all information about customers, companies, deals, and more. Anyone should be able to log into your CRM and pick things back up with customers right where they left off. It also aids teams in ensuring accurate reporting, commission payouts, successful automation, and more.

B2B marketing automation

Give your sales team more time to do what they do best: Sell

Your sales team is busy. Unfortunately, some administrative work is needed in all roles, but it can be minimized.

Marketing and sales teams can save up to 25 hours per week by automating manual, administrative, and repetitive tasks. You can also use automation to reach prospects with additional touchpoints. The result is more time in the field selling and closing deals and less time on the computer.

Our Process:

Identify a power user group to meet with
bi-weekly/weekly for any running questions while cleaning up/integrating the CRM.

CRM Audit - Go through the database, lists, workflows, and the CRM as a whole.

Sales & Marketing Audit - to determine where there can be some automation.

Clean up the CRM and determine what can be automated to support your sales & marketing teams.

Training session to teach your team on how to use the CRM.

Featured Resources

Turn your CRM into a tool to close more deals.

Get your CRM functioning correctly for more accurate data, a more effective sales process, and more revenue.