Fractional CMO

Are you ready
to grow?

A Chief Marketing Officer is critical to your business's success. The wrong one can mean failure. The right one can lead to a path of significant revenue growth and a long term plan for success.

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What is a CMO?

Chief Marketing Officers are responsible for the overall strategy of selling products and services. The term marketing doesn't begin to cover what a CMO does. A CMO is responsible for your overall product strategy and should be involved in pricing decisions. They understand your target audience, their buying journey, and how to reach them. Good CMOs, and marketing teams for that matter, are often heavily involved with the sales team, making sure they are armed with the proper sales enablement tools to close deals.

In a nutshell, your CMO should:

  • Build your overall marketing strategy on how to attack the market, gain market share, and retain customers while attracting new ones
  • Develop a plan to achieve those goals
  • Craft a budget and stick to it while adjusting along the way based on the campaign's results
  • Get key stakeholders involved in the sales and marketing process
Picture of the BlueByrd Fractional CMO team.

What is a Fractional CMO?

BlueByrd's Fractional CMOs fulfill all the functions of a traditional CMO, but on a part-time basis and at a fraction of the cost. For some companies, particularly technically-focused B2Bs, it's far more cost-effective.

With senior-level savvy, we align sales and marketing with your management team to drive revenue.

BlueByrd Fractional CMOs:

  • Become part of the management team
  • Execute on strategic marketing objectives
  • Measure and report on goals
  • Ultimately, grow your revenue

Free eBook: Diagnosing an Underperforming Company

This past decade has brought stiffer competition, more customer profiles, and longer sales cycles—all pushing back against your sales and marketing efforts. This ebook provides insights for navigating those new realities, even leveraging them to your advantage.

Vector image of an oil rig.
Case Study

Membership-based Company

BlueByrd helped an operationally strong and revenue-generating business gain 81 annual memberships in just 6 months, totaling $50,000 in revenue.

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What kind of businesses do BlueByrd Fractional CMOs work with?

We have found that our most successful FCMO engagements are with mid-sized companies with revenue over $20 MM.

We can assist with determining a marketing budget and then developing a quarterly marcom plan on how to spend that budget to achieve your goals.

If you aren’t sure whether a Fractional CMO engagement is right for you, contact us to find out.

Industries we have served:

  • Oil & Gas
  • Energy 
  • Chemicals
  • Healthcare
  • Medical Devices
  • Manufacturing
  • Software
  • Robotics
  • Human Resources Consulting
  • Senior Living

...and many more.

Advantage: Your Revenue

Here are some advantages you can expect from your BlueByrd Fractional CMO.

  • Proven expertise, packaged for your needs
  • Agility to adapt to evolving market conditions
  • Quickly learn your market, competitors, and customers
  • Execute on strategic business objectives and goals
  • Perfect alignment with management team
  • Cost-effective, low-risk deployment
  • Fiduciary responsibility: a budget that makes sense
  • Results oriented: report on said goals
  • Ultimately, grow your revenue
Vector image of an oil rig.
Case Study

Medical Diagnostics Laboratory

Discover how the BlueByrd team helped a struggling medical diagnostics laboratory grow from negative EBITDA to greater than $25,000,000 in 18 months in the face of a global pandemic and recession.

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Companies we’ve consulted with

caterpillar logo
sma technologies logo
weir logo
hill and griffith logo
proler industries logo
winfrey logo
nkw logo
Diax Labs logo
belmont village logo

Are you ready to boost your revenue?

"Companies with a CMO perform 15% better, on average, than companies without one."

- Forbes